速報APP / 生產應用 / Pixel art editor - Dottable -

Pixel art editor - Dottable -



檔案大小:9.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:日語, 英語

Pixel art editor - Dottable -(圖1)-速報App

BE CREATIVE in your spare time!!

This app enables you to make a pixel art easily.

Although the operation is simple, it has layer editing, color making and other professional tools.

Wanna make your original work during your spare time or before going to bed?

To prevent a crash, creating a new project needs more than 300MB free space of your device.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

The app’s main functions are below.

- Layer editing

You can add, delete and copy layers.

You can also choose the layer display or non-display and change the order of layers.

- Various tools

The app has basic tools to paint.

(Pen, Syringe, blotting out, rectangle, circle, transfer... etc)

- Animated GIF export

Each layer is going to be one frame.

- Undo, Redo

You can cancel the line you draw.

- Color making

You can make your favorite color easily.

Pixel art editor - Dottable -(圖2)-速報App

It is also able to choose a color you would like to change to transparent.

You can save 20 colors in maximum by a work.

- Zoom-in, Zoom-out

You can paint details by the Zoom-in, Zoom-out function.

- Saving several works

You can save several project files of your favorite works, so you can edit you work other day.

- Setting canvas size

You can set any canvas size from 5*5〜120*120.

- Setting the dot size of exportation

You can choose the dot size of exportation.

The work will be saved as a png file in you r camera roll.

- Rotate function

You can rotate a work horizontally and vertically.

- Selection area

You can edit, transfer and copy only the area you selected.

- Loading a picture for trace

You can load a picture in forefront or back. You can set a rate of transparency, a position and a rate of magnification.

- Conversion function of a picture to pixel art.

It is able to convert a picture in camera roll to pixel art.

Pixel art editor - Dottable -(圖3)-速報App

After conversion, the pixel art will be loaded in new layer, so you can edit it.

Pixel art editor - Dottable -(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad